Organists taming mixtures of a different kind |
With a view to publishing a printed cookbook, I approached hundreds of organists, organ builders, organ music composers, and organ lovers from around the world to contribute their favourite dishes; either ones that they make themselves or ones they look for on menus, or coerce others to make for them. The replies were fascinating and, well, vast. The end result would have run to many hundreds of pages and kilograms in weight. So: totally unworkable. But, mercifully, we have the solution.
Once every week or so, we'll include a new recipe, a new player, new builder, composer of organ music, or a devoted listening fan of organ music, with a little background story to each. You will find the index to each person and their recipe with their story on this page.
Once every week or so, we'll include a new recipe, a new player, new builder, composer of organ music, or a devoted listening fan of organ music, with a little background story to each. You will find the index to each person and their recipe with their story on this page.
Depending on their tradition, the terms, weights and measures that the contributors use are likely to vary, so please check quantities and weights using the website links noted on this page, which include tips and other helpful stuff for beginners to more experienced chefettes.
(Links to the published dishes and contributors appear in gold or blue once they become active)
Agnes Armstrong
Michael Barone Alison Clark Katelyn Emerson James Flores Titus Grenyer Hiroko Inoue Barry Jordan Alexander Kellarev James Kibbie Grimoaldo Macchia Thomas Ospital Gareth Perkins Christiane Sauter-Pflomm Paul Spicer Gillian Weir Andreas Willscher Claudius Winterhalter Dorothy Young Riess ~~~~~~~~ YET TO COME: ~~~~~~~~ Carson Cooman Peter Planyavsky Sue Davis Jeannine & David Jordan David Briggs Nina de Sole Katherine Dienes-Williams Felix Hell Dianne Halliday Kimberley Marshall Marie-Louise Langlais Thierry Mechler Isabelle Demers Roberto Bertero Gunnar Idenstam Christa Rumsey Ian Tracey Jonathan Dimmock Robyn Peirce Christa Rakich Douglas Bruce Christoph Gensler . . . And many more! Vertical Divider
Common terms, weights and measurements
Little tips:
For more links and tips about weights and measures click here
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The recipes on this website are those which are personal favourites of the contributors; they are supplied in good faith, many of them having been handed down through generations of anonymous family members or other sources. They are reprinted here with minimal editing and although they have been tested through time, they have not been subjected to official kitchen tests. So use at your own risk! (But they are here, with stories, to entertain...)
And many more . . .
If you are associated with organs (the musical variety) and would like to contribute a recipe please use the contact form here