Great news for our North American readers and members of the Organ Historical Society. The book, "Looking Up at Pipe Organs and Ceilings" is now available to buy directly from the OHS website. It's available for a non-member price of $25, and a member price of $20. Just in time for those Christmas gift ideas! Read more here |
Many of you will already know what a pest I am when it comes to wringing organ stories out of you. Sorry, but I'm back at it again. The next stage of my work on the sequel to "Organ-isms: Anecdotes from the World of the King of Instruments" has stepped up with my need for lots and lots of short, pithy comments, musings, observations, notes, little stories from organists (and their henchmen - ie page turners, teachers etc) from their days spent labouring with love and sometimes a great deal of frustration at this wonderful instrument.
If you're not sure what I'm on about, please rush over to the newly created submission page, read about the coming sequel, and immediately jot down an offering! You wouldn't want to be left out, would you?!? Go there now!
Now you can lose yourself enjoying the multitudes of links to all things organ on our links page. I have kept the one and only page going on our companion website but have put a link to it from here, on, so you can easily find it again.
As always, I'd urge you to tell me about your favourite links, even if you THINK I have them already. I probably don't! I would especially like to build on the personal organist websites out there; so many wonderful players have such good webpages full of information, music and schedules. Sometimes it can be a nightmare trying to find such organists and even google is capable of spitting the dummy. So if you know of a link the world should also know about, tell me! Likewise, if any existing links no longer work, do let me know. I try to test them often but that isn't always possible.
Wahoo! 50% discount on all products in my Fine Art America shop at Use the coupon code NKDKFA on check out to buy any products from my shop at half price. The offer is open only until November 25th, 2015. This is an ideal chance for you to do some early shopping before winter sets in or the holiday season kicks in, your credit card spontaneously combusts or you go doolally and get taken away in a black van by people wearing white coats. In short, don't leave it too long!
Looking Up at Organ and Ceilings!![]() This new book, so beautifully produced by Dr Butz publishers of Bonn, Germany, is now available through our site, using PayPal. The cost of €18 plus €8 p&p worldwide is below cost for a short time, so check it out as soon as you can. Looking Up (which is trilingual, with text in German - under which it uses the main title of Dem Himmel Nahe - French, and Engish) is not just the usual amazing view of pipe organs in all their glory, but it looks at their environments, particularly the ceilings above them into which they so often appear to soar or disappear. It's a fascinating insight into how organ-building and architecture can combine to form an incredible harmonious and aesthetic experience. Get your copy now! ![]() Just completed! All-new photos for my latest 2016 organs of the world calendar, made by Zazzle. Featuring organs from around the world, this calendar would make the perfect New Year gift for any musician, but especially organists. Instruments shown are sometimes famous but others are little gems that are not so well-known; some are huge and ornate, others are smaller and less ornamented. But they all have appeal and a charm which is the reason so many people love the King of Instruments. Organs in this calendar (new for 2016) are from Weingarten (cover), Rendsburg, Michelstadt, Ravensburg, Stade, St Peter-Ording, Windsheim (German); St Gallen (Switzerland), Hythe and Castle Ashby (England); Tanunda and Adelaide (Australia). You can customise these to include USA dates or other holidays; different font styles for dates and much more. Go to At long last! A new, fresh, 21st century look to the tired and messy Pipeline Press website.
It's a slimmer, meaner, lean look which hopefully will be easy for busy people to browse through. And don't forget, if you have any complaints, questions, suggestions, corrections, just send me a note via the contact form or via email |
Little bloggerJenny Setchell is an author and photographer who enjoys the quirky bits of life as well as music Archives
October 2020